No. 114 Suede eyelet adjustment at end. Heavy metal pin, plated 4½”, 3 finger compartments with suede lace for securing. Ship wt: 1 lb, Ship dims: 8″ (L) x 8″ (W) x 4″ (H).
No. 118 Combination 4¾”, heavy steel plated pin with curved forefinger guard and heavy leather eyelet adjustment at end. Ship wt: 1 lb, Ship dims: 8″ (L) x 8″ (W) x 4″ (H)
No. 119 & 119L Heavy steel curved palm plate with corrugated hook in one piece. Palm pad and wristband, double hand strap. Ship wt: 1 lb, Ship dims: 8″
(L) x 8″ (W) x 4″ (H).
Metal produced in USA. Leather from Mexico. Assembled in USA.