Product Manual
Note: Domestic/Export crating must be selected with the items above.
WATTS: @748 5-15P PLUG
The Achieva Basic Style Console Germinator is packed with all the features you expect from Seedburo. Used for plant growth, propagation of seeds, germination test and incubation that requires a controlled environment (heat/cold cycles,light and dark wet or dry operations).
Equipped with a touch screen computer controller. Unit can be set in either auto or manual mode which constantly monitors and adjusts cabinet temperature utilizing both heating and cooling systems. Features a hermetically sealed air cooled refrigeration system and enclosed heat system operating in tandem to maintain set point temperature in heat or cool modes, cool bright white LED light system and rain system. Unit may be set for Manual or automatic reset alternately control heat/cool, light/dark cycles for the required duration of your test.
Built in heavy duty misting pump has a unique air flow assuring continuous rain circulation for more reliable seed testing in both hot and cold cycles. Large capacity bottom reservoir location and interior drain recalculates water supply, reducing the need for technician to monitor water level.
The cabinet utilizes thick wall foam-in-place insulation. Touch screen controls are easily read and operated and fully programmable. Data logger records temperature at your desired time interval and time span. Data is easily download to any Windows® based PC or laptop computer via USB port.
The Achieva features include an advanced cooling refrigeration system that is hermetically sealed and uses an oil-cooler to improve operation in high ambient conditions. Exterior is stainless steel. Smooth white interior produces enhanced light reflection.
Model A3920 is fully automated. Equipped with a dual digital temperature controllers, dual stage timer, light system with dual On / Off switch, water spray system and data logger. Unit may be set for Manual heat or cold test, or automatic reset timers alternately control heat/cool, and light/dark cycles for the required duration of your test. White light LED lighting system generate 9,828 lumens for the photo (light) test periods.
Germinators include 6 trays.