Seedburo offers Grain Grading Mats, produced by USDA-AMS/FGIS, which are used in training sessions for grain industry inspectors. The mats are double sided with the commonly shared production area crop. (Corn-Soybean, Rye-Oats, etc) Included on the mat are the grade requirements chart, official “wheat” colored picking surface and many of the principal damage images.
The mats measure 10″ (L) x 16″ (W) unfolded and are printed on 300gsm blue-core smooth playing card stock for extended wear. These are often used as grading aids for in-house inspectors, but do not replace the official Visual Reference Images (VRI) for official grain inspection. In addition, some of the VRI Mats are available in Spanish or other languages. Please contact us for these part numbers as new mats are added based on market demand.