The SB900 Moisture Tester, distributed by Seedburo has received a much-deserved UPDATE!
- Backlit LCD-easier to see in dimly lit areas
- NO Voltage Selector Switch
- Accepts 120/240 Volts (85~264VAC)
- NO On/Off Switch
- Now uses Keypad to Turn On/Off
- 9 pin serial port connection replaces 25 pin
- Allows for more printer options
- All 600+ calibrations are preloaded!!
- Capable of saving user settings to memory Including Baud Rate for Printer/PC connectivity
- Auto-Shutoff after 4 hours of non-use USER May Change to NO Auto-Shutoff, 1, 2, 4 or 8 Hours
- Returns to Last Commodity Selected/Used upon restart or powering back on
- When ordering, please inform Steinlite of products to be tested (Additional Funnels may be necessary) as well as, if a printer will be used.
- New Shipping Box; no more puzzle pieces to figure out. Box w/ two Foam Inserts; SIMPLE.
The SB900 continues to be the workhorse of the nut industry. It is the only moisture tester on the market capable of testing Almonds, Pecans, Cashews and several other varieties of nuts while still in the shell. It is used almost exclusively in the Almond Industry. Did you know that the U.S.A. is the world’s leading producer of edible nuts? That is why the SB900 continues to be such a valuable asset to this industry.
The SB900 utilizes Three Different Funnels to obtain optimum results:
- The Regular Funnel – included with every purchase
- The Nut Funnel – refer to Calibration List to see which calibrations require this
- The Compressor Block and Funnel – refer to Calibration List to see which calibrations require this
The SB900 has the ability to be connected to a ticket printer:
- CP103 Thermal Printer
- MP20 Thermal Label Printer (OBSOLETE)
- Both require an RS232 NULL Modem Cable supplied by Steinlite
- NUPRINT 310 Printer
Net Wt. 35 lbs., Ship Wt. 31 lbs., Actual Dims. 17″ H x 9.5″ W x 17″ D, Ship Dims. 27″ H x 14″ W x 17″ D.